Navigation Toolbar

A magnificent and unique Swift UI library capable of increasing the navigation process of your customers inside the mobile application.

Navigation Toolbar is a Swift UI navigation controller that provides very flexible and elegant controls of your data. Our iOS application development company was inspired by the other UI modules and created a unique one.

The installation process of this Swift component is very similar to the other UI libraries we have developed previously. You can choose one of the three installation options from the list below:

– Add the Source folder to your project.
– Use CocoaPods with Podfile - pod 'Navigation-Toolbar'
– Carthage users can add to their Cartfile - github "Ramotion/navigation-toolbar"

Also, there are specific benefit points that you can take advantage of. So please read them carefully, as they can help you in the construction of your wireframes.

– Fast Navigation - Compared to a dropdown menu, which requires the user to go through sub-menus to get to the right section, the toolbar has one-click access to any function.
– Simple instructions - The current UI library has simple access to all core and necessary operations via a graphical user interface to avoid wasting their time.

When it comes to applying the Navigation Toolbar to any commercial project, it is ideally suited for E-Commerce, Finance, Real Estate, Entertainment, and Healthcare mobile applications. Apart from that, you can use it in any mobile app that you are currently building and determine whether this component will suit your user journey map.