Expanding Collection Android

Utilize our Expanding Collection UI library to efficiently segment your data and quickly scroll through your mobile app's many product cards.

ExpandingCollection is a card pop controller widget that was created in the material design style. Our creative Android application development company got many impressions from similar user interface libraries and developed an Expanding Collection UI widget with the Android programming language.

The installation methodology is pretty simple, nearly equivalent to those of our other UI libraries. Therefore, if you're impatient to try it out in your project, you can do it in one of three ways:

– Gradle - "com.ramotion.expandingcollection:expanding-collection:0.9.2"
– SBT - libraryDependencies += "com.ramotion.expandingcollection" % "expanding-collection" % "0.9.2"

However, before you integrate and apply this particular UI library to your digital product, we'd like to highlight a few of the benefits that our team has compiled. It will surely aid you in discovering the location of the generated user interface library.

– Any visual content can be placed on the card cover.
– Any text content can be placed within the expandable part of the card content.
– The aspect ratio of an image can be practically anything.
– The customization for Expanding Collection is limitless.

The Expanding Collection UI library is compatible with mobile apps for Music, Real Estate, E-Commerce, and Social Media. It substantially boosts user involvement with the app by dividing large pieces of data beneath the graphical information graphics.