Blob menu

Implement an intuitive main menu of your app to save enough screen space for your mobile application ergonomically with our Blob Menu UI library.

Blob Menu is an elementary yet interactive UI library built on Swift programming language. It provides a relatively flexible and enjoyable interaction between users and the application. Thanks to the support from our excellent iPhone app development agency, we implemented this UI widget and made it available to the public.

The current UI library can be installed and implemented in several approaches, which are:

Add the source files to your project.
Use Swift Package Manager.
Use CocoaPods - pod 'blob-menu'
User Carthage - github "Ramotion/blob-menu"

In addition to the wide variety of installation methods, this UI library offers several advantages that you can use in your digital project. They could help you design your app's primary interfaces.

Compared to the dropdown menu or a native toolbar, the Blob Menu allows simple access to all main sections of your app without requiring users to scroll through the different areas. And there are no signs at all, which means that the user will intuitively understand which icon displays the chosen app screen.

Another thing is - you don't need an advanced understanding of UI design to start with our app's UI library. Simply install it and have a menu that provides easy access to all the components for a typical mobile app.

E-commerce, finance, real estate, entertainment, and healthcare industries are the ones that will be suitable for the Blob Menu widget. It's also possible to test with other business industry apps and consider whether this particular library suits it that might be developing.