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Serverless Architecture: The Future of Scalable Computing

Unlock unparalleled scalability with Serverless Architecture. Embrace the future of computing for limitless growth and seamless scalability.

Written by RamotionJul 13, 202318 min read

Last updated: Aug 29, 2024

The world has changed. Emerging technologies are changing how we think about traditional computing architectures, networks, and security. As a growing business, how can you benefit from these changes?

How can you ensure you're creating a scalable infrastructure that will allow your company to continue to grow without substantial upfront computing costs?

Serverless architecture is being hailed as the future of scalable computing. It's a new way to design software; traditional server-side hosting is an increasingly outdated and costly model.

With the recent boom in cloud computing, developers can now take advantage of serverless architecture at no cost to their business.

Serverless architecture is a new and quickly-emerging concept in cloud computing. It scales to the point where only the necessary resources are consumed when demand is high. Serverless architecture can dramatically reduce operational costs and free the developer to innovate and build customer value.

With the recent boom in cloud computing, web app development teams can now take advantage of serverless architecture at no cost to their business. Serverless architecture is a new and quickly-emerging concept in cloud computing. It scales to the point where only the necessary resources are consumed when demand is high, which means that costs can be reduced dramatically.

This article will focus on serverless architecture, how it differs from traditional server-side hosting, why businesses should consider using it, and how developers can start using serverless technology today.

Introduction and Background

Serverless architecture is a new approach to managing cloud computing infrastructure that allows developers to offload the responsibility of provisioning, configuring, and maintaining servers. Traditionally, developers would have to manage the server side of their application by setting up services such as physical servers.

With serverless architecture, however, these functions are operated by third parties (such as Amazon Web Services) at no cost to the business using them. This means that companies can scale their software without worrying about infrastructure costs.

The benefit of serverless architecture is that it allows developers to focus on their application's logic rather than being bogged down in the plumbing. This approach also makes it easier for companies to move applications between cloud services.

For example, businesses can easily migrate their application code over without significant changes if an application relies on a specific feature in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and another provider offers a similar service.

In the old days, before the term "serverless" was coined, we used to build systems that used servers. We would buy servers from vendors and put them in our data centers. We would use virtualization software to abstract away the underlying hardware and make it appear like we had more machines than we did.

We would configure these machines with operating systems like Linux or Windows and install applications on top of them. This is how most applications have been built for the past 30 years or so.

The problem with this model is that it's expensive and wasteful. Servers are costly — they cost thousands of dollars monthly, even when sitting idle. And they're inefficient — most companies only use about 20% of their capacity at any time.

So we spend much money on infrastructure that doesn't get used very much, so we have less money to spend on development efforts like improving our products or hiring new employees.

With serverless architectures, you don't have to worry about managing these resources because they're managed by someone else.

Working on Serverless Architecture

Serverless architectures are based on two key concepts: functions and events. Functions are small application code written in a language like Node.js or Python that perform a specific task when called by an event.

Events are the triggers that initiate a serverless function, such as a user clicking a button on your website or placing an order. The serverless architecture connects serverless functions and events together so they can work together in harmony.

Serverless architectures are also called Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) or event-driven architectures because they're based on events. An event could be anything, such as an API call, a webhook request, an image upload, or even a push notification.

These events trigger serverless functions that perform tasks in response to the event, such as sending an email or creating a customer record in your database.

Functions are the building blocks of serverless architectures, but they can also be used in more traditional architectures.

The main difference is that you don't have to worry about managing servers or infrastructures in a serverless architecture. Functions can run on any cloud provider's infrastructure, including AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.

Functions are easy to build, deploy, and scale. They are small chunks of code that do one thing, such as send an email or handle a user's request for information. Functions can be written in any language, including Python and Java.

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms are what make serverless architectures possible. They provide the infrastructure and tools to develop, deploy, manage, and scale functions. The most popular FaaS platforms are AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, IBM Cloud Run, and Microsoft Azure Functions.

Serverless architectures are ideal for building microservices. Microservices are small, single-purpose applications that can be independently deployed and scaled.

They are easier to manage than larger monolithic applications, which typically have more complex dependencies and require coordinated changes to multiple components before being updated.

Types and Characteristics of Serverless Systems

Serverless systems are a cloud computing paradigm where developers can build and run applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. In serverless architecture, the cloud vendor dynamically manages, allocates, and scales resources based on the application's needs. Here are some different types of serverless systems and their unique features:

1. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS)

FaaS is one of the most popular serverless systems. It allows developers to deploy individual serverless functions or code snippets that can be executed in response to specific events or triggers. The functions are typically short-lived and stateless, meaning they must retain information between invocations. Examples of FaaS platforms include AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions.

Unique Features:

  • Event-driven execution: Functions are triggered by events like HTTP requests, database changes, or messages from a queue.
  • Auto-scaling: The cloud provider automatically scales the execution environment based on the incoming workload.
  • Granular billing: You pay only for the actual code execution time of each function invocation, which can lead to cost savings.

2. Backend as a Service (BaaS)

BaaS focuses on providing serverless backend functionality, such as storage, databases, authentication, and push notifications.

It abstracts away the complexity of managing backend infrastructure, enabling developers to focus on frontend or application logic. Examples of BaaS platforms include Firebase, AWS Amplify, and Kinvey.

Unique Features:

  • Prebuilt backend services: BaaS platforms offer ready-to-use services like user authentication, file storage, and database management.
  • Rapid development: Developers can quickly prototype and build applications without worrying about backend infrastructure setup.
  • Scalability: BaaS providers handle the scaling and maintenance of backend services transparently.

3. Event-driven Architectures

Event-driven architectures leverage serverless systems to build systems that react to events. These events could be user actions, system events, or data changes.

Event-driven systems are highly decoupled, allowing independent services to respond to events and collaborate without direct dependencies.

Platforms like Apache Kafka, AWS EventBridge, and Azure Event Grid facilitate event-driven architectures.

Unique Features:

  • Loose coupling: Services communicate through events, enabling flexibility and independent scalability.
  • Scalability: Event-driven systems can handle high traffic loads by scaling individual services horizontally.
  • Real-time processing: Events can be processed in near real-time, enabling reactive and responsive systems.

4. Data Processing and Analytics

Serverless systems are well-suited for data processing and analytics workloads. They can handle large-scale data processing tasks and provide insights without worrying about infrastructure management.

Platforms like AWS Glue, Google Cloud Dataflow, and Azure Data Lake Analytics offer serverless data processing capabilities.

Unique Features:

  • Scalable data processing: Serverless systems can process large datasets in parallel, leveraging distributed computing.
  • Cost optimization: You pay only for the resources used during data processing, reducing costs for intermittent workloads.
  • Integration with data ecosystem: Serverless data processing systems can seamlessly integrate with data storage, analytics, and visualization tools.

These are just a few examples of serverless systems, and the serverless paradigm continues to evolve rapidly. Each type of serverless system offers unique features that cater to different use cases and allows developers to focus on building applications rather than managing infrastructure.

Comparison with Container Architecture

Serverless architecture is a new approach to building and deploying applications that use functions and event-driven architectures. Containers are a technology for packaging applications and their dependencies into a standardized unit for software development.

Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture is gaining popularity because it offers several advantages over traditional server-based architectures, such as reduced time to market, cost savings, scalability, flexibility, and access to more developers.

"Serverless" refers to cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS) providing the infrastructure required to run applications without managing servers or dealing with other hardware. Developers can use tools like AWS Lambda, Azure

Functions, or Google Cloud Functions to write code in languages such as Python, JavaScript, and C# that are then executed by the provider's infrastructure when triggered by an event or user interaction.


  • Serverless architectures fit media streaming, real-time data processing, and APIs well. These applications often involve tasks that run asynchronously in the background and have to scale quickly in response to spikes in demand.
  • With serverless, developers can focus on writing code that delivers business value instead of worrying about how it will be executed. This can make building more scalable, reliable, and cost-effective applications more accessible.
  • The serverless model also makes deploying code in a multi-cloud environment easier. Since serverless doesn't require developers to provision and manage servers, they can focus on deploying code that runs anywhere.
  • Serverless also makes building applications running in multiple regions and on multiple cloud providers easier. This is because the infrastructure for code execution is abstracted away from individual applications and managed by a provider.


  • The serverless model can also be more expensive than a traditional on-premises application. This is because you're charged for each function invocation and the amount of data storage used. While this pricing model is usually cheaper than running your servers, it can add up if your application has much traffic or requires heavy computing power.
  • Serverless applications also require more upfront planning. It would be best to think about how many functions you'll need and where you can run them, which may be more complex than choosing a server to deploy. In addition, serverless applications are less portable than traditional ones because they're tightly coupled with the provider's infrastructure.

Container Architecture

Containerization is an IT industry term that describes packaging applications so they can be easily moved from one environment to another without breaking dependencies or affecting other applications running on the same machine.

Containers are often compared with virtual machines (VMs), allowing users to create operating system environments within their physical devices; however, VMs require significant overhead because each VM requires its operating system.


  • Containers are highly portable and efficient. They don't require a separate operating system, which allows them to run on any machine with Docker installed. This means you can move containers from one environment to another without worrying about breaking dependencies or affecting other applications running on the same machine.
  • Containers are also much faster than VMs because they don't require booting up a whole new operating system each time you want to run an application. This means running container applications can reduce your overall server load and increase performance.
  • Containers are also lightweight and can run on less powerful machines, which is especially useful for running applications in the cloud.
  • Containers can also be used to run multiple applications on a single machine, which is especially useful for running microservices architectures. Containers make it easier to deploy applications because they don't require installing or configuring an entire operating system like VMs do.


  • Containers are less secure than VMs. Because containers share the kernel with other containers on the same host, malicious actors can sometimes exploit them with access to their host machine or network.
  • Containers also don't have their filesystems, which means that applications running inside them can't store data locally without using additional software like Docker volumes (which requires other configuration).
  • Containers only have some of the features of VMs, like support for emulating hardware devices. This makes them less flexible than VMs when running desktop or legacy apps.

Benefits and Limitations of serverless architecture


1. Easier maintenance

Serverless architectures are more reliable because cloud providers handle most of the work required for hosting applications. This means that developers only have to worry about keeping their code running smoothly instead of planning how to scale up compute resources if needed. This can lead to faster development and deployment of applications. Developers also don't have to worry about managing or dealing with server outages.

2. Scalability

Because cloud providers handle most of the work required for hosting applications, serverless systems are more scalable than traditional software architectures. Cloud providers can add more server resources to handle increased demand without developers worrying about it. Developers only need to ensure their code is running smoothly and can easily adjust the number of resources they use depending on the needs of their applications.

3. Security

Developers also don't have to worry about security because cloud providers take care of that. Since serverless applications run on virtual machines hosted by cloud providers, they can implement security features such as multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.

4. Cost-effective

Serverless applications are also cheaper than traditional ones because they don't require paying for the underlying infrastructure. This means developers can save money using serverless technologies instead of investing in servers and other resources.


Many companies are adopting a serverless architecture to run their applications in the cloud. However, there are some limitations to this approach:

1. Limited support

Many popular serverless platforms only support specific languages and frameworks. This means developers may have to learn a new programming language or serverless framework to use serverless technologies.

2. Reliance on external services

Serverless architectures rely heavily on third-party services. You may have to pay for some of these services to run your application. For example, serverless apps can't access databases directly and must instead use a cloud service like Amazon DynamoDB or Google Cloud SQL.

3. Lack of control

Serverless applications give developers little control over how their code is deployed and executed. This can be problematic if you need to make changes or debug a problem in your code.

4. Maintenance

Since serverless applications are based on external services, they require additional maintenance and management. This can be a problem if you need the right staff or budget to do this work.

5. API limitations

Serverless applications are also limited by the APIs provided by the cloud service. If you need to use a feature that isn't supported by the API, your application will not work. In addition, serverless applications are often locked into using only one service provider. This can make it difficult to switch providers in the future.

Practical Use and Maintenance

Serverless architectures are considered a breakthrough in software development because they make it easier for developers to build applications that can scale automatically.

With servers and databases, you need to pay for the resources you use, which can be expensive if your application requires enormous memory or processing power. With serverless architecture, however, you only pay for what you use anytime.

For example, if your web application receives much traffic on a particular day but not so much on other days, there's no need to reserve extra resources when they aren't necessary — they just won't be used!

This kind of elasticity makes serverless architecture ideal for applications expected to have sudden spikes in traffic or usage. For example, if your site is a social media platform where people post photos and videos, then you know that it will often be flooded with traffic when there's an event or newsworthy happening worldwide.

This is a perfect example of when serverless architecture would come in handy: if you have the option to scale up resources as needed without having to worry about paying for extra servers that are sitting around doing nothing most of the time, then you can save money while also ensuring that your users always have a fast, responsive experience.

While serverless architecture is a great way to save money while providing a good user experience, it can also lead to more problems if you must be more careful with how your software's deployed.

For example, suppose your site gets an unexpectedly high amount of traffic at once because of an event or newsworthy event (like a celebrity scandal). In that case, it's vital that you have enough capacity to handle that traffic without worrying about paying for extra servers sitting around doing nothing most of the time.

Serverless Tools and Platforms

Serverless architecture is a relatively new concept, and figuring out where to start must be challenging. Many different tools and platforms can help you build your serverless application, but which one is right for you?

AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure Functions are the most common serverless platforms. The three companies also offer higher-level services that make it easier to build serverless applications with their other products (e.g., Amazon API Gateway for AWS).

The platforms are similar in many ways. They allow you to write application code in your favorite language and run it without worrying about managing servers or scaling applications. However, they differ in some key areas:

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides. It allows you to run application code without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda functions support multiple programming languages and integrate well with other AWS services, making it a popular choice for serverless architectures.

Azure Functions

Azure Functions is Microsoft's serverless cloud computing service. It enables you to run event-driven code and applications without managing infrastructure. Azure Functions integrates with various Azure services and supports multiple languages like C#, JavaScript, Python, and more.

Google Cloud Functions

Google Cloud Functions is Google's serverless computing platform. It allows you to build and run event-driven functions that automatically scale. Google Cloud Functions supports JavaScript (Node.js), Python, and Go. It integrates with other Google Cloud services for seamless development and deployment.

IBM Cloud Functions

IBM Cloud Functions is IBM's serverless computing platform. It enables developers to build and deploy functions quickly. IBM Cloud Functions supports multiple languages and integrates with other IBM Cloud services, providing a robust environment for serverless architectures.

The Future of Serverless

Future of serverless architecture? Though it's still a relatively new movement, many companies have already boarded. Major players like Google and Amazon are putting their money into FaaS, while others like Microsoft and IBM are positioning themselves to enter the market.

Of course, many believe we'll continue using server-based and FaaS systems in tandem going forward, but we can only see the future ahead.

Many businesses will undoubtedly try to capitalize on this trend in the future, and though we are still determining what they'll come up with, it should make for an exciting future.

Serverless is still a young technology, and many improvements must be made. The main issue with serverless today is that it can be difficult to troubleshoot issues or find performance problems, especially when they span multiple serverless functions.

As more companies adopt serverless architectures, this problem will become less common as the community develops better debugging tools and best practices.

It's also important to note that serverless isn't a silver bullet. It has limitations and is only sometimes the right choice for every project.

For example, if your application requires high availability or uses many resources, there may be better solutions than serverless. However, if you want to build an application with minimal administration overhead, serverless is what you need!

Serverless is an excellent option to build an application quickly and with minimal operational overhead. Your engineers can focus on building features instead of managing servers or scaling applications.

You'll also save money because serverless providers charge based on the number of requests made to their APIs, not the computing power used.

We hope you've gained more insight into serverless architecture and perhaps even a better understanding of how it changes traditional servers. Is serverless the only way to build applications moving forward? Not necessarily.

But is its impact on the industry undeniable? It certainly looks that way! We will know for sure what the future holds for serverless architecture once we get there, in any case. It'll be interesting to see how it continues to evolve as both an application development platform and a key player in enterprise computing.


Serverless is an exciting new technology that can help simplify the development of your applications. Understanding how serverless works and what it means for your business is important.

If you want to save money on infrastructure, reduce the complexity of managing servers, and focus on building features instead of worrying about scaling applications, serverless may be right for you!

This is all fascinating, but getting our heads around it can take much work. The critical thing to remember is that we're just in the early stages of this transition.

The full consequences are still unknown, but the ongoing shift from a traditional server-based to a serverless architecture will undoubtedly significantly impact how we design and develop software applications from now on.

We're still feeling our way around serverless technology. It's compelling, that much we know, but it also comes with a steeper learning curve than other forms of deployment infrastructure.

As time passes and adoption grows, we expect software companies to provide more documentation, frameworks, and tools to make serverless architecture practical for most software companies. Of course, that doesn't mean there won't be hiccups along the way.
